Birthday Part II

Hello Again!

As I mentioned last week, there was more birthday partying planned for me over the weekend! It was supposed to be a surprise, but I ended up finding out about most of it before hand. The surprises may have been busted, but I found it comforting that it was so hard for my husband to lie, haha. There were a few unplanned hiccups over the weekend,  but we still had a lot of fun. A lot of my friends from Houston drove up for the weekend (“Surprise” number one). This was my favorite part of the weekend, I love these peepz so much. Friday, after they got in, we went to a Mexican restaurant, and a few of our Dallas besties joined as well. We then headed back to our house to continue the night for a bit.


Saturday morning, the guys woke up at the crack of dawn to golf, and the ladies planned a sweet little brunch at my house (“Surprise” number two). Somehow I didn’t get a picture of this, but mimosas and avocado toast are always a good idea…call me basic. After golf and brunch, we all went to our friends pool (“Surprise” number three). Y’all, it was triple digits out, and this was much needed. After a few hours at the pool, we started to get concerned if anyone would be coherent enough to make it to the real party (that was starting at 8PM) so we decided it was time to get everyone home to start getting ready. At 8PM the real party rolled up, literally. Joe had planned a party bus to take us around Dallas (“Surprise” number four). Again, somehow I ended up with zero pictures of this! We stopped at a few bars around Dallas, and they were great and all, but at every stop, after a few minutes I would be like, “can we just get back on the bus?” Mama liked the bus!

I did manage to get a picture of almost our whole group, and a picture with my H-Town Gals at the first bar we stopped at.

Group 2H-Town Gals

Sunday, everyone left, and I unfortunately did not make my usual Sunday grocery store visit. Monday, I tried to still make some good eating choices, so I had my Shakeology for breakfast, a salad for lunch, some boiled eggs from last week for a snack, and grilled chicken for dinner. Joe had ran to the store Monday after work, so I could meal prep for the rest of the week. I wasn’t as fully prepared as I usually am, but I made it work.

I am also sad to say, that I missed my first workout in 3 months! with all the excitement of the weekend, it just got away from me. I didn’t beat myself up about it… I was actually kind of proud to say that was the first missed workout in 3 months. I still got back at it on Monday.


7:00AM – Shakeology with almond milk and water, and a half a banana

 10:00AM – Carrots (just carrots… I was missing my hummus 😦 )

12:00PM – ground turkey seasoned with cumin, paprika and garlic salt, sauteed bell peppers and onions, brown rice, salsa and Sriracha (check out my new glass containers. Does it mean you are getting old when you area excited about this kind of stuff as a birthday present?? Thanks again Whitney!!)

3:30PM – (pre workout meal) Greek yogurt and granola

4:30PM – Beachbody Energize

5:00PM– Workout

6:00PM– Beachbody Recover

7:00PM – Grilled chicken with Dijon mustard and cauliflower

As I said, I wasn’t as prepared as I usually am, and was for sure missing some veggies, and other things throughout the day, but I made it work for me.

This weekend I think Joe and I are planning to spend a relaxing weekend together. We don’t have many free weekends, so it’s nice to spend them with each other. Nothing is set in stone, but I think our plans may involve the Dallas Farmers Market, and a massage… sounds like a winning weekend to me!


Last thing, I decided to become a BeachBody coach this week. I have no new certification, or credentials (though I would love to get some). What I’m saying is, have nothing that says I’m a trainer. I’m doing it more to help people, and keep people motivated, and to surround myself with people that will keep me motivated. If you are on the fence about any of the BeachBody workouts or products, feel free to chat with me about it.



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